Erasmus programı, Erasmus öğrenci değişim programı veya Erasmus Projesi, yükseköğretim kurumlarının iş birliğini, öğrenci ve akademisyenlerin kısa süreli olarak bu iş birliği çerçevesinde farklı ülke ve üniversitelerde deneyim kazanmasını teşvik eden bir projedir.
Mevlana Değişim Programı Kurum Koordinatörlüğü
Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programme which aims the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries. With the regulation published in August 23, 2011 (num: 28034), students and academic staff exchange between Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries has been possible. Different from other exchange programmes, Mevlana Exchange Programme includes all higher education institutions in the world regardless of their region.
Farabi Exchange Program is a student and faculty exchange program between the institutions of higher education in Turkey. This program aims that students and faculty members continue their education activities in a higher education institution other than their own institutions for one semester or two semesters.
For further information regarding the implementation of Farabi Exchange Program, the relevant regulations (in Turkish) should be reviewed.